Today, I attended a friend's baby shower. Let me tell you - this was one of the best showers I've been to. For one thing, it wasn't for me. I got to sit and talk and catch up with some ladies I haven't seen for quite a while, eat some delicious food (which included wraps and tasty cake), and I even won a $10 Target gift card. I wasn't the center of attention, I didn't have to open presents in front of everyone, and I didn't feel pressured to talk to every person in attendance or wonder if I'd missed someone. For another thing, we didn't play a single game. Not one. Awesome.
Do you have any idea how much I despise wedding and baby shower games? Okay, you probably don't. I don't like them. At all. Some have been pretty painless, I must admit. Wrapping someone up in toilet paper to make them look like they're wearing a wedding dress? No problem. Slightly annoying, but not a big deal. (As long as I'm not the one being wrapped like a mummy, of course). But, the mash-up-a-candy-bar-in-a-diaper-and-then-shove-what-looks-like-a-poopy-diaper-in-everyone's-faces-so-they-can-figure-out-what-candy-bar-it-is game is awful. Definitely not painless. It has quite possibly scarred me and my love of candy bars for life. (Maybe).
The fact that today's baby shower was game-less was a definite plus, but I couldn't help sitting there and thinking how lucky guys are that they don't have to partake in any of these experiences. Maybe when they get married or have a baby, they make an appearance to help unwrap a couple gifts or load up the car. More often than not, they aren't a part of the process. No game-playing, no present-opening in front of a large crowd - no appearance necessary! Why do guys get off the hook so easily? It's the women who go out and buy the gifts, wrap the gifts, go to the shower, and play the ridiculous shower games. Guys can sit home, play video games, watch television, and enjoy an afternoon without the wife or lady friend around.
I am just entering into a life full of wedding and baby showers. Most of my friends aren't even married yet, so I'll have all those, plus when they start popping out kids of their own, I'll have even more. Thankfully, the husband and I plan to wait a few years before we have kids. Until then, I hope to attend many more showers like the one I did today. Short, sweet, and game-less. With cake.
I agree, being a guy is pretty amazing. i would never last through one of those things.