Once I graduated college, I assumed that was the end of my hopes and dreams of ever having a snow day. Being a part of the working world meant I wouldn't be able to watch those closings scroll at the bottom of the television screen and hope to see something that would affect me - and then, we had the Blizzard of 2011.
Let me tell you. I have never been so excited to hear my cell phone ring at 6:25 am. But, there it was. Not wanting to sound like a complete moron answering the phone out of a dead sleep, (I was supposed to work 11:00 am - 7:00 pm today), I let the call go to voicemail, but I knew exactly what it was for. I listened to the voicemail, and sure enough, our office was closed for the day, and my boss suggested I set up an out of office response for the day.
Today was a fantastic day, and it isn't even over yet. The surprise of the office being closed left me stuck wide awake for an hour-and-a-half before I was finally able to fall back to sleep around 8:30. When I woke up, I lounged in my snowflake pajamas, watched the excessive weather coverage, watched last night's episode of Teen Mom 2, and played my Zumba game on the Wii Fit.
My crazy husband was desperate to get outside, so he walked across the street to pick up snacks for our movie day at Pick N Save and shovelled off our balcony while I showered. Then, it was time for some chips and salsa and The Proposal (my first pick for our movie day).
Tomorrow, this enjoyable day will just be a distant memory as I sit in a cubicle and work my regular eight-hour day, but I wanted to remember it, because this time could actually be one of the last where I can say I had the day off because of a snow day. Thank you, Blizzard of 2011. You were exactly what I needed this week!
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